Pro Bono Net, in partnership with LawNY and with funding from the Legal Services Corporation, is excited to announce the relaunch of in the open source framework, Drupal. The LawHelpNY rebuild project is set to launch on July 27, 2022.
Pro Bono Net engaged a design agency to complete a human-centered design review process to evaluate and incorporate the lived experiences and perspectives of the people that LawHelpNY serves. The results of the process provided us with design and technical recommendations for a reimagined, elevated user experience. The new site reflects our vision of creating a mobile-first, inclusive, and easily accessible experience for LawHelpNY users to quickly find the help they need. In addition, the new is defined by streamlined workflows that enable content creators and managers to keep information current and accessible.
Through, we provide individuals with know-your-rights resources, self-help tools, court information, and attorney referral information. LawHelpNY also provides rapid access to resources for intake workers, hotline staff, and community organizations. Additionally, LawHelpNY’s referral directory is now available via API to make it accessible on other websites that individuals visit for legal help.
A central goal of LawHelpNY is to serve as an essential hub of important legal information and resources that maximize the ability of legal service providers to connect with people in need. LawHelpNY’s role as a necessary element of wrap-around legal services enhances access to these critical resources for the general public and reduces the likelihood of unintended duplication of efforts among the statewide legal services community.
Veronica Dunlap, Director of New York Programs at Pro Bono Net, is leading the team on the relaunch of She shared, “[W]e are excited to show our legal service partners and the New Yorkers who rely on LawHelpNY that we have heard their feedback and will deliver a more intuitive, streamlined experience that takes into account the culturally unique community of New York State. We are grateful for their input and support.”
Learn more about the LawHelpNY Advisory Committee Organizations:
- City Bar Justice Center
- Legal Services NYC
- The Legal Aid Society of New York
- Volunteers of Legal Service
- Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York
- Empire Justice Center
- New York State Bar Association
- Legal Assistance of Western New York
- The Legal Aid Society of Mid New York
- Nassau Suffolk Law Services Committee
- Neighborhood Legal Services
- New York Legal Assistance Group
- Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
- Center for Elder Law & Justice
For more information, comments, or questions about, please contact Veronica Dunlap, New York Program Director at Pro Bono Net, at