As we blogged about last month, Pro Bono Net was well-represented at LSC’s 2013 TIG Conference in Jacksonville, FL with Claudia Johnson, Mirenda Watkins, Xander Karsten, Jillian Theil, Tony Lu, Jim Wiegand and I attending and presenting several workshops. In addition, Pro Bono Net Executive Director, Mark O’Brien attended LSC’s Summit on the Use of Technology to Enhance Access to Justice, held just before the conference kick off.

One of the personal highlights of TIG for me was getting to connect in person with the dedicated and creative community of people who work on, and LiveHelp projects. More than 50 project staff and stakeholders attended the LawHelp Network session, and throughout the conference I learned about a number of exciting statewide website developments. One such example comes from our partners at the Northwest Justice Project, which has integrated resources with its online intake system, CLEAR*Online, to provide applicants with relevant self-help information at the end of the intake interview. And both and have developed robust online outreach programs, including regular e-newsletters to several thousand clients, advocates and community groups.

Similarly, Vince Morris and Kim Marshall from Arkansas Legal Services Partnership also presented a great session on methods to increase and maintain quality content for statewide websites. Stay tuned to the TIG conference website for an archive of all workshop materials.

Resources from the LawHelp Network session are online now:

January 2013 LawHelp TIG Network Session PowerPoint

2013 LawHelp Program Initiatives

2013 LawHelp and Technology Initiatives

2013 Statewide Website Marketing Support Initiatives

On February 28th, we will reprise the LawHelp Network session as a webinar. Join us at 11am PST / 2pm EST to learn about new program and technology resources available through PBN to grow your LawHelp and projects! Email me at for webinar details. The webinar will be 75 minutes.