Online forms are a key tool in the movement to close the justice gap. They can be used from anywhere and at any time and are now a well understood component of a robust and diverse legal services delivery system. According to LSC’S Report of The Summit on the Use of Technology to Expand Access
Groundbreaking Collaboration Helps New Yorkers Facing Foreclosure Get Live Chat Assistance
Yesterday, LawHelpNY (, a family of online legal information and referral Internet portals for low and moderate income New Yorkers, announced the launch of its LiveHelp chatting service for visitors to the New York State Unified Court Systems website, CourtHelp ( The LiveHelp service will allow site visitors to chat with…
Commemorating Domestic Violence Awareness Month with tools by LawHelp Interactive
A staggering number of Americans experience violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. Domestic Violence Awareness Month (each October) shines light on this issue and provides information to victims as well as the public about tools and resources available.
Too often it is difficult for victims to access the justice system to get the…
17th Annual Supreme Court Review: Voting Blocks
At the end of July, I had the opportunity to attend the Supreme Court Law Review offered by the Practising Law Institute (PLI), a nonprofit continuing legal education and professional business training organization. PLI is bronze sponsor of Pro Bono Net’s work and Pro…
Mental Health Issues and the New York State Courts 2015: Understanding Risk
In July, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar called “Mental Health Issues & the New York States Courts 2015: Understanding Risk,” offered by the Practising Law Institute (PLI), a nonprofit continuing legal education and professional business training organization. PLI is bronze sponsor…
NY Courts Honored with LTN Innovation Award for the Most Innovative Use of Technology in a Pro Bono Project
Each year, thousands of individuals facing domestic violence in New York seek to protect themselves from abuse with an order of protection. Last month, ALM’s Legaltech News recognized The New York State Unified Court System with an LTN innovation award for the Most Innovative Use of Technology in a Pro Bono Project for the Advocate…
PBN & JASA Collaborate on Innovative App to Help the Homebound
Earlier this year, Pro Bono Net partnered with JASA of Legal Services for the Elderly in Queens to develop a new web app that enables social workers to perform quick legal screenings for homebound and disabled seniors. JASA assists many at risk Queens seniors with their emergency issues, in particular housing, consumer debt, and elder…
Online Developer Training to Create Easy-to-Use Online Forms Starts September 9th
With funding from the Legal Services Corporation Technology Assistance Grants, Pro Bono Net is organizing its first online developer training for the online legal services and court document assembly community. This five week series will start on 9/9/2014 and will end on 10/7/2014. Each two hour session will teach basic A2J Author and HotDocs…
LSNTAP/PBN Webinar: Technology tools to enhance legal services for Limited English proficiency (LEP) Communities: Website, videos, and more
In June, Pro Bono Net partnered with LSNTAP to produce a webinar on technology tools for Limited English Proficiency communities. Moderated by Mirenda Watkins of Pro Bono Net, the webinar examined some of the challenges of creating and maintaining multilingual tech tools and showcased possible solutions to these challenges through innovative examples in the legal…
Is the LawHelp Interactive Rebuild essentially a Wedding?
LawHelp Interactive (LHI) is a Pro Bono Net program that helps poverty law and court access-to-justice programs implement online document assembly projects. Blue Ridge Legal Services and Pro Bono Net are rebuilding the technical infrastructure of LHI to make sure that it remains a sustainable, scalable national solution for the extensive development and use of…