This year’s National Legal Aid & Defender Association’s annual conference, Justice in America: Delivering on the Promise, will take place in Los Angeles later this week. Technology-enabled self-help initiatives and remote services will be among the topics Pro Bono Net staff focus on, while presenting on a variety of panels.
With ever-expanding caseloads for full time attorneys and dwindling resources for legal services and courts, both Claudia Johnson and Liz Keith will join speakers from across the country to focus on how technology can play a pivotal role in leveraging volunteer attorneys as well as providing self-help resources to litigants and clients.
They are slated to participate in the following panels:
Claudia Johnson will join Josh Passman of Bet Tzedek Legal Services and Bonnie Hough of the California Administrative Office of the Courts in the panel How to complete over 1,400 complicated cases a year with two FTE’s; The Story of Technology and Partnership. She will also join Sotivear Sim of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, as well as Veronica Alvarado and Jora Trang of Worksafe Oakland in the panel Cultural Competence: Barriers, Bias and Language.
Liz Keith will join Jessica Bolack Frank, of the Center for Access to Justice & Technology at Chicago-Kent College of Law and John Mayer of the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction in the panel Increasing Access to Justice through Online Self-Help Resources: The Human and Technology Sides of the Equation. And finally, both will join Haydee Alfonso of Bay Area Legal Aid and Marilyn Harp of Kansas Legal Services for Technology Innovations to Increase Access to Justice in Suburban and Rural Communities.
We hope to see many of our partners and stakeholders at the conference, in panels, and at our PBN Affinity Roundtable on Thursday from 12-1:30! If you know you’re planning on attending the Affinity Roundtable, RSVP to Xander Karsten at Drop in’s are always welcome!