This blog post was originally posted on LawHelpNY’s blog

Because of the pandemic, people are turning online more than ever to look for information and resources to resolve their legal problems. The newly created COVID-19 resource page has quickly become one of the top accessed pages on LawHelpNY. Chats on LiveHelp have increased by

On May 22, 2020, the Practicing Law Institute held a webinar to discuss how nonprofits can adopt and expand remote models at a time of immense legal need. Organizations that have offered in-person and remote services have been forced to transition completely to remote work.

Legal Information for Families Today’s  (LIFT) Director of Pro Bono

The senseless and tragic police killing of George Floyd was yet the latest episode in a long legacy of  pervasive violence our society has countenanced against Black Americans.  Witnessing the events of recent days, together with the profound and disproportionate impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on communities of color, our hearts are with those

Pro Bono Net’s Executive Director, Mark O’Brien, published an update on how Pro Bono Net is responding to increased need during the COVID-19 pandemic. This blog was originally published on Mark O’Brien’s LinkedIn page.  

Over the past few weeks, it has been heartening to witness our community coming together to respond to critical needs. As

The 2020 Innovations in Technology Conference begins Wednesday, January 15th in Portland, Oregon. This conference, hosted by the Legal Services Corporation, brings together technologists, legal aid staff, courts, funders and others to explore innovative ways of using technology to promote full access to legal assistance for low-income individuals.

Pro Bono Net will be

On this day in 2007, Pro Bono Net launched our first ever National Pro Bono Opportunities guide. We teamed up with the American Bar Association to create a single online location to make it easier for advocates to find opportunities to volunteer that match what they are looking for. While directories of organizations seeking volunteers

In recognition of Pro Bono Net’s 20th Anniversary, we are sharing highlights from our history as part of our “On This Day in PBN History” series. Throughout the year we will be sharing project launches, collaborations and other important milestones that Pro Bono Net has accomplished since its creation in 1999. Since this is National