The Commission to Reimagine the Future of New York’s Courts recently issued “New York Courts’ Response to the Pandemic: Observations, Perspectives, and Recommendations,” a report summarizing the challenges and opportunities associated with remote court operations. This Commission was created in June 2020 as the court system navigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Remote Legal Services

Pro Bono Net Staff Share Takeaways from Remote Legal Help During the Pandemic on American Bar Association Publication
Pro Bono Net‘s Program Director, Liz Keith, and Pro Bono & Strategic Initiatives Manager, Jeanne Ortiz-Ortiz, share takeaways from remote legal help during the pandemic in the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Today Pro Bono Issue. Topics addressed include:
- Remote Pro Bono Works
- Design for wraparound services and workflows
- Connecting with Intention and

Pro Bono Net’s New York Program Director’s Testimony Access to Justice in the post-COVID Legal Landscape
The New York State Bar Association President’s Committee on Access to Justice recently requested testimony from public interest legal services organizations, law firms, solo- practitioners and other providers of legal services to New York’s low-income communities. Areas of focus included developments since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic regarding access to justice in relation to …
How Legal Aid of Nebraska Provides Legal Services to Pro Bono Clients During the Pandemic: An Interview with Muirne Heaney, Director of Access | Pro Bono Week 2021
Legal Aid Connect was launched in late 2020 as a collaborative initiative between Legal Aid of Nebraska and Pro Bono Net. The tool has enabled access to legal services for low-income and rural communities through virtual consultation and case management. We spoke with Muirne Heaney, the Director of Access for Legal Aid of Nebraska, to …
Pro Bono Net’s LawHelp Interactive Provided Legal Lifeline During Covid-19
As the global COVID-19 pandemic and financial crisis exacerbated inequality and disproportionately affected people of color and low-income communities, it also increased the civil legal needs of many. By using LawHelp Interactive’s easy-to-use online forms, courts and nonprofits were immediately able to expand access to critical legal documents and empower those who the American legal …
Immigration Court During COVID-19: Tips on Navigating Remote Proceedings
I recently spoke with Astrid Ackerman on her experience with the Newark Asylum Office’s pilot project. She attended an asylum interview where she appeared remotely, while the client went in-person. Read below to see some tips and hear more about this experience.
Q: Could you explain your organization and role within it?
[caption id=”attachment_4302″ align=”alignleft”…
Announcing Georgia Legal Connect: Atlanta Legal Aid Provides Remote Free Legal Assistance to Low-Income Georgians
Pro Bono Net, in partnership with the Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc., is pleased to announce the launch of Georgia Legal Connect, an online platform that enables Atlanta Legal Aid to enroll, manage, and connect staff and pro bono attorneys with remotely located clients for advice, counsel, and form preparation. Atlanta Legal Aid Society …
Remote Legal Assistance: Expanding Capacity for Remote Pro Bono Services
On May 22, 2020, the Practicing Law Institute held a webinar to discuss how nonprofits can adopt and expand remote models at a time of immense legal need. Organizations that have offered in-person and remote services have been forced to transition completely to remote work.
Legal Information for Families Today’s (LIFT) Director of Pro Bono…