The Practising Law Institute, one of Pro Bono Net’s corporate sponsors, contributes a guest post this week on upcoming programs of interest to pro bono and legal services attorneys. Read on to learn about the programs and how to get a scholarship.
Coming up in August, The Practising Law Institute is offering two full-day programs of special interest to pro bono and legal services lawyers: Prison Law 2012 on August 3rd, and Defending Immigration Removal Proceedings 2012 on August 13th. For readers of this blog, we are offering a special scholarship deadline extension: you may email or fax your scholarship application to or 212.824.5871 at least 48 hours before the program. Scholarships to attend these programs in person or on the web are available for judges, judicial law clerks, law professors, law students, attorneys 65 or older, law librarians, attorneys who work for nonprofit organizations, legal services organizations or government agencies, and unemployed attorneys.
Prison Law 2012 is intended not only for those working full time on prisoners’ rights litigation, but also for pro bono volunteers of beginning and intermediate experience levels. Defending Immigration Removal Proceedings 2012 is intended for pro bono volunteers of beginning and intermediate experience levels, as well as more experienced immigration attorneys who are beginning to take on removal defense cases. Visit the program web pages for more information on speakers and topics to be covered.
Practising Law Institute is a non-profit continuing legal education organization chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, founded in 1933. PLI is dedicated to providing the legal community and allied professionals with the most up-to-date, relevant information and techniques which are critical to the development of a professional, competitive edge. PLI’s pro bono activities reflect its deep commitment to the public service work of the legal profession. In 2011, PLI awarded over 20,000 scholarships.