The Practising Law Institute, one of Pro Bono Net’s corporate sponsors, contributes a guest post this week on its upcoming program: Courtroom Skills for Pro Bono Attorneys. Read on to learn more about this free program.
PLI is excited to offer a new pro bono program, Courtroom Skills for Pro Bono Attorneys, to be held live at our San Francisco Conference Center and via live webcast, Friday, September 21, 2012. The program is free.
The program will provide an overview of trial skills helpful to attorneys handling pro bono litigation matters, and will use a typical Unlawful Detainer case to illustrate general trial preparation and representation techniques.
Program chair, Katie Danielson, Senior Supervising Attorney, Homeless Advocacy Project, Volunteer Legal Services Program of The Bar Association of San Francisco, and the distinguished faculty will share their extensive knowledge and background in pro bono litigation to help you hone your courtroom skills and tackle litigation challenges. Whether you are new to litigation or a seasoned veteran, this program will give you the foundation you need to confidently represent pro bono clients.
The faculty will discuss the following topics:
• Development of theory and theme of your case and how to translate that into a persuasive story at trial
• Tips on trial preparation, witness preparation, jury selection and pre-trial motions
• Direct and Cross examination, presentation of exhibits
• Effective use of objections and other evidence issues
• Persuasive closing arguments
Given the current economic downturn and deep cuts to legal services programs, the need for quality pro bono representation for low-income clients is more important than ever, we hope you will join us for this exciting new program and get inspired to take on a pro bono case! (Then find a case on
Courtroom Skills for Pro Bono Attorneys
September 21, 2012, PLI SF Conference Center, 685 Market Street, Suite 100
September 21, 2012, Live Webcast
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (PDT)
Want to attend the program with your colleagues and volunteers but can’t make it in person? Schedule a PLI Groupcast to allow group viewing via live or on-demand webcast in your office! Contact the Groupcasts Department via email at for more details.
Follow PLI’s Pro Bono Law Practice Group on LinkedIn and on Twitter: @ProBonoPLI. Or learn more about PLI Pro Bono activities!