In the US today, nearly one in four women and one in seven men will experience domestic violence in their lifetime, with LGBTQ+ individuals facing even higher risks. These are staggering numbers, representing countless lives impacted – often silently. As we reflect on Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we’re determined to illuminate this issue and help
domestic violence

Pro Bono Net Resources Used to Support Domestic Violence Victims
October was first declared as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1989. A staggering number of Americans experience violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. According to the CDC, “ [a]bout 1 in 4 women and nearly 1 in 10 men have experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate …
The Family Offense Petition Project: Increased Usage for New York State Tool for Advocates
Throughout the past year, Pro Bono Net has worked with courts and legal aid programs facing closures and service disruptions to ensure vital protection for at risk domestic violence survivors. Our LawHelp Interactive program, which helps people create free and accurate legal forms, is a key strategy in this work.
In New York State, the …
Why Trauma-Informed Technology Matters for Domestic Violence Survivors
In Oklahoma, survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence often seek help from their local Family Justice Centers. To shield themselves from their abusers, survivors rely on a range of support staff at the Centers for assistance filling out legal forms. One critical form is called a Petition for Protective Order (PO). POs provide…
Addressing Domestic Violence Across Practice Areas: Trauma Informed Lawyering
In a series of panels, Practising Law Institute experts discussed the various considerations and potential complications that can arise when bringing domestic violence cases before the court systems. The webinar, entitled “Addressing Domestic Violence Across Practice Areas 2016,” provided crucial information and advice in relation to handling trauma experienced by the victims, utilizing expert…
Clear Communications Improve Outcomes for Low-Income and Spanish-Speaking in Texas and California Courts
Press Release Posted on May 6, 2015 (
New York, NY (May 6, 2015) – For victims of rape, assault, and sexual assault who go to court without an attorney, just navigating the court system can be daunting, never mind understanding complex court orders. Roadblocks intensify for those with low English proficiency. Thanks…
LawHelp Interactive is Making a Big Difference for Domestic Violence Survivors
There are over 4,000 online forms on LawHelp Interactive, the largest national online document assembly platform designed specifically to meet the needs of low-income communities and the legal aid providers that serve them.
Forms are available in various areas of law and for a range of audiences. By and large, family law is the area…
Celebrate Pro Bono Guest Post: Cynthia Domingo-Foraste, Safe Horizon
In honor of National Celebrate Pro Bono Week, Pro Bono Net has lined up a variety of guest bloggers from law firms, legal aid organizations and elsewhere to share their pro bono ideas and experiences. Check back each day between Oct. 22-26 for new posts, and visit the Celebrate Pro Bono site to learn how…