Pro Bono Net will be represented at the 2020 Equal Justice Conference (EJC) Webinar Series this week. This virtual conference takes place August 11th-13th and is hosted by the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service and the National Legal Aid & Defender Association.
Pro Bono Net is a national nonprofit leader in increasing access to justice through innovative uses of technology and collaboration. Our staff is made up of a cross-disciplinary team from legal, technology and community engagement backgrounds who are committed to creating innovative, sustainable solutions for expanding access to justice. The Equal Justice Conference brings together all sectors of the legal community to discuss equal justice issues as they relate to the delivery of legal services to low income and vulnerable communities.
Our Program Director, Liz Keith, is presenting on two panels at this year’s Equal Justice Conference. We are also looking forward to seeing Pro Bono Net’s Board member Betty Balli Torres, Executive Director of the Texas Access to Justice Foundation on Thursday. See below for more information on which panels Liz Keith and Betty Balli Torres are in. For more details on each workshop, and information about other workshops of interest to access to justice technology initiatives, please visit the EJC website here.
Tuesday 3:00-400 PM
Session I – Reaching the Other 80%: Technology Strategies to Build Legal Capacity in Local Communities
This workshop will explore efforts to use technology to engage and educate communities who are generally disconnected from traditional justice systems, and to strengthen the work of community-based lawyers and advocates serving them. Presenters will discuss how technology and legal empowerment strategies can help to bridge the gulf between individuals with justice problems and traditional justice institutions such as legal aid programs and the courts, and support communities in understanding and defending their rights.
- Moderator: Liz Keith, Pro Bono Net
- Matthew Burnett, Open Society Foundations
- Ariadna Godreau Aubert, Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico
- Tanina Rostain, Georgetown Law
Thursday 12:05-12:50 PM
50 Tech Tips 2020
This session will provide tips about free and low-cost technology tools, including mobile apps, web platforms, and solutions for Windows and macOS. Technology leaders will share new tips relevant to the access to justice community at what is always one of the most popular sessions at EJC.
- David Bronebrake, Legal Services Corporation
- Liz Keith, Pro Bono Net
- LaDierdre McKinney, Michigan Legal Help
- Glenn Rawdon, Legal Services Corporation
- Jane Ribadeneyra, Legal Services Corporation
Thursday 1:45-2:30 PM
Enlisting Philanthropy in Support of Civil Legal Aid
This session aims to help practitioners better make their case for philanthropic support. The principal presenters have extensive experience in philanthropy and civil legal aid and are engaged in a year-long examination of (1) how to better inform foundations and other donors about how civil legal aid can help them achieve their social justice goals, and (2) how civil legal aid programs can better demonstrate the impact of their work and make stronger cases to foundations and other donors. The workshop will present the study’s findings and engage participants in interactive exercises aimed at equipping participants with better tools and strategies for engaging social investors.
- Stephen P. Johnson, Johnson Philanthropic
- Lonnie Powers, Lonnie Powers Consulting
- Betty Balli Torres, Texas Access to Justice Foundation & Pro Bono Net Board of Directors