This year, National Pro Bono Week’s theme is “Voice of Democracy: Ensuring Justice for All.” Every day, millions of Americans are prevented from finding safe housing, meeting critical health care needs, and exercising other rights due to our country’s inability to ensure that everyone facing a legal problem can access help for it. As

At Pro Bono Net, we’re always working to make our products and websites the best they can be. This means ensuring that websites are easy-to-use, and use the latest in responsive design. Last year we launched a new and improved LawHelp platform design, which is now rolled out to all 20 LawHelp sites across

Created in 2011, each year the Fastcase 50 award honors a diverse group of lawyers, legal technologists, policymakers, judges, law librarians, bar association executives, and people from all walks of life. Fastcase honors “the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, and leaders.” 

Pro Bono Net’s Program Director, Liz Keith, has made this year’s