This year, National Pro Bono Week’s theme is “Voice of Democracy: Ensuring Justice for All.” Every day, millions of Americans are prevented from finding safe housing, meeting critical health care needs, and exercising other rights due to our country’s inability to ensure that everyone facing a legal problem can access help for it. As
Practising Law Institute
Stay up to Date on Disaster Legal Response Efforts | New Developments in Climate Disaster Response & Resilience (A Collaboration with Practising Law Institute)
Pro Bono Net, Equal Justice Works, and Lone Star Legal Aid are pleased to share a Practising Law Institute (PLI) CLE program for pro bono managers, volunteers, and nonprofit legal aid professionals responding to the impact of climate disasters around the country. The program, “New Developments in Climate Disaster Response & Resilience…
Pro Bono Net’s Pro Bono & Strategic Initiatives Manager Jeanne Ortiz-Ortiz on Practising Law Institute’s Pursuing Justice: The Pro Bono Files Podcast
“Volunteering doesn’t have to be direct legal services or taking on a case, I think that is actually a misconception. It can also be reviewing or preparing know your rights materials for the public on a topic you’re an expert on, or it can be conducting research on policy or being a mentor to a
Practising Law Institute – responding to today’s need
Practising Law Institute (PLI) is a nonprofit learning organization dedicated to keeping attorneys and other professionals at the forefront of knowledge and expertise. PLI offers pro bono training, scholarships and access to live programs, webcasts, and on-demand archived programs, as well as an extensive Pro Bono Membership program.
Pro Bono Net was lucky enough to …
Cyber Dignity: Digital Age Law for Teens and Young Adults
The Cyber Dignity Program is an interesting program that we have wanted to highlight since we sat down with the team early in the year to discuss. While COVID-19 and Racial Justice activities have been top of news, we feel this program is as current and pressing of an issue as ever and we applaud…
Remote Legal Assistance: Expanding Capacity for Remote Pro Bono Services
On May 22, 2020, the Practicing Law Institute held a webinar to discuss how nonprofits can adopt and expand remote models at a time of immense legal need. Organizations that have offered in-person and remote services have been forced to transition completely to remote work.
Legal Information for Families Today’s (LIFT) Director of Pro Bono…
Join us June 5th for “Achieving 100% Access” with Honorable Jonathan Lippman
Pro Bono Net is teaming up with the Practising Law Institute to bring you a discussion about the access to justice movement and the role of pro bono in closing the gap with Honorable Jonathan Lippman and Pro Bono Net’s Executive Director, Mark O’Brien. Register now for this FREE presentation.
Free Pro Bono Skills Training from PLI’s Interactive Learning Center
Practising Law Institute offers free pro bono skills training for pro bono and volunteer attorneys
At Practising Law Institute, we strive to improve the learning experience by incorporating the latest in interactive technology and research-based instructional design. The award-winning programs in our Interactive Learning Center challenge participants by using “learning-by-doing” techniques in a variety of…
National Disaster Legal Aid Efforts – How the Legal Community Can Help Hurricane Survivors
Like many of you, Pro Bono Net’s thoughts are with those impacted by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. As advocates for justice, you no doubt share our concerns about the disproportionate and long-term impact disasters often have on low-income and other vulnerable communities, as well as the direct impact these hurricanes have had on nonprofit…
Serving on a Nonprofit Board: Practical & Ethical Considerations for Attorneys
Attorney service on nonprofit boards is advantageous for both the attorneys and nonprofits, but there are important practical and ethical considerations. At the Practising Law Institute‘s seminar “Serving on a Nonprofit Board: Practical & Ethical Considerations for Attorneys” on August 2nd, expert faculty addressed the important considerations for both attorneys thinking about…