On August 8th, the Practising Law Institute presented a seminar/webinar entitled “Electronic Evidence in the New York State Courts: Representing the Legal Services Client 2016” to explore best practices, safety concerns, and ethical considerations in the case law surrounding electronic evidence for legal services clients in New York.

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Jillian Theil is the Pro Bono Net Training and Field Support Coordinator and has been with Pro Bono Net since 2011. She manages the LSNTAP/PBN Community Training series. 

 LSNTAP and PBN recently held a webinar on evaluations, “From Investment to Impact: Recent Outcomes Evaluations of Legal Aid Tech Projects.” The training explored technology

Next Steps in Social Media for Nonprofits and Public Interest Organizations: Deepening Your Online Outreach and Engagement Strategies Webcast Available

Join Pro Bono Net’s Program Manager, Liz Keith for The Practising Law Institutes newest free seminar for nonprofits! On March 30th, 2016, PLI is hosting a seminar/webinar to discuss the use of social media by

In a series of panels, Practising Law Institute experts discussed the various considerations and potential complications that can arise when bringing domestic violence cases before the court systems. The webinar, entitled “Addressing Domestic Violence Across Practice Areas 2016,” provided crucial information and advice in relation to handling trauma experienced by the victims, utilizing expert

As part of Practising Law Institute’s “Human Trafficking in Immigrant Communities” webinar a panel addressed special considerations for immigrant victims of human trafficking. Unlike domestic human trafficking victims, immigrants face additional hurdles related to their immigration status, cultural norms, and family hostage situations. Moderated by Melissa Brennan, Deputy Director of the Human Trafficking

Halimah Elmariah Development & Communications Intern Fall 2015
Halimah Elmariah Development & Communications Intern

Halimah is a sophomore at Seton Hall studying International Relations with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies and French. Passionate about social justice and empowering Muslim women, she regularly blogs for MuslimGirl.net. Halimah is a Development & Communications intern for the Fall of 2015